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This portfolio will be a process portfolio which designed to present my teaching ability in order to serve me to get a teaching job through Practicum Course in Sookmyung Women’s University. Also it is for keeping a record of me as English teacher and improvement of my skills in many ways. The target audiences of this portfolio would be future employers and myself. The theme of this portfolio is ‘Teaching is a softly tailored suit’. I believe that every student is special and unique. And everyone can learn in their own unique way. So I considered a metaphor that I want to use to describe my teaching. . In the portfolio, there are two parts presented to to embody my teaching ability. The first part of the teaching portfolio, named 'Bespoke', includes resume, a list of certificate, and teaching philosophy to provide employers with my basic information related to teaching, and my beliefs of teaching. And the second part of the teaching portfolio, named 'Collection' shows the basic information about Practicum course, lesson plans and Action Research project report. I put 3 sets of lesson plan from action writing class in Sookmyung University and the materials for lesson plan also.  Finally, Action research is a case study we conducted in this class in terms of the problems we observed: “ How can we facilitate our students' learning by giving better instruction and encouraging equal participation? ”

AR will contain the research questions, interventions that I used, materials (including raw data, analysis of the data) and conclusion of AR research. This portfolio shows the whole process of learning and teaching in Practicum class of TESOL.

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